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John & Angie Anderson

Elders / Board Members

We have both been walking with the Lord for over 38 years! We have been married for 36 years (John likes to introduce Angie as his “first wife”). We both knew we were called to marry each other on our first date! The Lord has blessed us with two beautiful daughters, two wonderful sons-in-law, and an amazing son. No grandchildren yet, but we are hopeful. We do have one grand-dog if that counts. Throughout our marriage, we have served over 20 years in various capacities: deacon, home group leaders, worship team members, prophetic team member, and elders. John has multiple spiritual gifts. His main gifting is wisdom and counsel. He also has the gift of leadership. Angie’s gifts are in the areas of the prophetic, intercessory prayer, helps, and hospitality. John and Angie have high hopes for ARK Family Church - both for their personal growth as well as opportunities for service. After belonging to eight churches in 35 years of marriage, we are hopeful, if the Lord is willing, that this will be the final body that we will be a part of. We truly want to serve this body, cultivate friendships, stretch, challenge and refine our growth in the Lord along with our fellow ARK family. We are excited to be at the beginning of this new movement of the Lord. We really believe that as we become more like the original intention of “church” the more like Jesus we will become. We see the Lord moving all around us in many different churches using different gifts and methods that reach the lost. What will be the culture of ARK Family Church? We believe it will become a safe harbor for those who have weathered the storms of religion, hurt and doubt. We hope to see it be a place where people demonstrate unconditional acceptance, Godly love and an unwavering truth of who we are in Christ Jesus to those who have given up on God’s People and even God Himself.

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